Thursday, September 14, 2006


The Other Race to 60: We Have a Winner!

Hearty congratulations to the Pittsburgh Pirates. In a reversal from earlier predictions, and much of the team's earlier playing, the Pirates are the first of this seasons' truly terrible teams to reach 60 wins.

Nothing could have surprised me more—this is a team that was swept by the Royals. And yet, they've taken themselves out of the bottom three. Hats off to you, gentlemen! Hats off.


Read any good blogs lately?

It's been a few weeks. Sorry. Sometimes real life (busy work schedule, deaths in the family, whatnot) gets in the way of nonprofit blogging, and everyone suffers. So anyway, we've had some changes in the lineup in the Race to the Bottom, which is heating up in a way I didn't imagine possible.

First: The Kansas City Royals have managed to hold on to the very bottom slot, with a mere 56 wins and 90 losses. The second half has been far better than the first ... but might they be out done?

In second-to-last, we have the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. You can't ever discount Tampa Bay in this situation. They are having so much trouble selling out that my parents were able to exchange the tickets I bought them for another night without any trouble. That shit never happens in baseball.

Then there's the Cubs. Good Lord, what a team. Six errors and they squeak out a win. The Pirates only have one more win than the Cubs, but they swept them at the end of August and then went 3-1 a week later at Wrigley. If any team deserves to be at the bottom, it's the Lovable Losers.

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